of Marshal J. Pilsudski
Polish War Veterans Society
Conditions and Requirements for Membership
The membership is composed of Active, Honorary, and Supporting members.
Any man or woman of Polish origin who actively served in the Polish Army or related allied force can become an Active member of the Society. The spouse of an Active member may also become an Active member, as well as their children and their spouses. Brothers and sisters of Active members of the Society may be admitted to the organization as Active members.
An Active member of the Association may also be the wife, husband, widow, widower, or a descendant of any Pole who was a participant of the Polish Army or allied force.
A person who does not meet the above requirements may become an Supporting Member of the Society. Supporting members promote the aims and mission of the Society. They participate in all meetings, but without the right of a vote. They have the same privileges and responsibilities as Active members, however, with the exception of the right to vote.
Any person, even of non-Polish origin, who has rendered service to the Society, may become an Honorary member on a motion of the Executive Committee duly ratified at a General Assembly.
A person who has committed a shameful act within or without the Society cannot be an Active, Supporting nor Honorary member of the Society. A member committing such an act ceases to be a member of the Society and loses all moral and material privileges of membership.

Membership Pledge
The Society's Anthem: Rota
Application process
Documents required
A candidate for membership must submit an application to the Executive Committee or to the Verification committee, duly completed and signed by the applicant and two supporting Active members of the Society, and attach the required supporting documents.
The Verification committee shall examine the supporting documents presented by the candidate and if the candidate meets the required qualifications, shall submit him/her as a candidate for membership in the Society.
After a favourable decision by the members at a Monthly Meeting, the candidate is sworn in as a new member.
“I am joining voluntarily the honourable members of The Polish War Veterans Society of Marshal J. Pilsudski, Inc. in Montreal, and hereby declare that I am aware of the aims and objectives of the Society.
I promise to comply with all the laws and rules deriving from the Statute and Regulations of the Society.
I also promise that I will defend the honour of the Society, wherever need be and I will work for its welfare and advancement according to my strength and ability, so help me God.”
The Society's Anthem, "Rota", was originally a patriotic poem by Polish author Maria Konopnicka, which was later set to music and came to symbolize Poland's refusal to be defeated and dominated by its oppressors.
Learn more about the origins and history of this anthem.
Nie rzucim ziemi, skąd nasz ród,
Nie damy pogrześć mowy!
Polski my naród, polski lud,
Królewski szczep piastowy,
Nie damy, by nas gnębił wróg...
— Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!
A candidate applying for membership based on their own military service, must attach original documents confirming type and period of service.
A candidate applying for membership on the basis of the military service of a family member, must attach original documents confirming the type and period of service of their family member, as well as documents confirming their relationship to the said family member.
A candidate applying for membership on the basis of being a family member of an Active member, does not need to attach supporting documentation.