Polish War Veterans Society
of Marshal J. Pilsudski

in the company of Mr. Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal

About us

The Polish War Veterans’ Society of Marshal J. Pilsudski was founded in 1930 by Polish Veterans of World War I residing in Montreal, to provide mutual support during the difficult years of the Great Depression.
Established as an apolitical organization, loyal to Canada and faithful to the historical ideals and traditions of Poland, the Society's mission was to bring aid to its members and their families, and to promote education and strengthen the sense of national unity.
Today the Polish War Veterans Society plays and active role in Montreal-based events and activities. Over the years, the Society’s mission has expanded to support many different cultural and educational initiatives and organizations within the Montreal Community.
In the Beginning...

During the Great Depression, many Polish veterans often sought help and company in the only Polish meeting place at that time in Montreal, which was the White Eagle Society Hall. There they met frequently with Captain of the reserve Ludwik Wiktor. During these meetings was born the idea of setting up an organization that would bring together Polish War Veterans of World War I. The group of original founding members included Captain Ludwik Wiktor, Piotr Budzik, Kazimierz Czapski, Tadeusz Kociszyn, Józef Morganty, Antoni Piątkowski, Stefan Sękowski and Florian Szuszkowski. Soon afterward, they were joined by 22 other veterans, and on Sunday September 21, 1930 a first meeting was held, and the members entrusted with the leadership of this new organization were: Captain Ludwik Wiktor, president, vice-presidents Eugeniusz Michaelis de Henning and Antoni Piątkowski, Stanisław Batowski, secretary, and Florian Szuszkowski, treasurer.
Activities and Events

The Polish Veterans Society takes an active part in the life of the Polish community in Montreal, provides financial support for Polish institutions and organizations such as schools, churches, folkdance groups, scouts troups and other organizations and events in the polish community. For its members, the Society organizes annual Christmas, Easter, and Mother's Day get-togethers, as well as an out-of-town excursion every summer. In addition, our social welfare comittee cares for our elderly and sick members, visiting them in their homes and delivering Christmas gifts. The Society also organizes, in collaboration with the Canadian Polish Welfare Institute, the annual commemoration of Polish Soldier's Day for the residents of the Institute, which include several of our members. The Society participates in the annual celebrations of Polish Independence Day and Constitution Day, Remembrance Day ceremonies in downtown Montreal and the annual memorial service at the Field of Honour military cemetary in Pointe Claire. Also at the Field of Honour, the Society participates in the observation of All Souls' Day, an event organized by John Paul II Polish School, with the participation of schoolchildren, scouts, veterans, as well as represention from the Polish Consulate and the Canadian Polish Congress.
Executive Committee 2024 - 2026

President: Andrzej Okoniewski
1st vice-president: Jan Szweykowski
2nd vice-president: Henry Włodarczyk
Treasurer: Krystyna Jędrzejowska
Administrative Secretary: Tadeusz Tokarczyk
Financial Secretary: Andrzej Czmyr
Protocol Secretary: Adam Jarocki
Did you know...
Allied War Veterans Allowance
Low-income Allied Veterans now living in Canada may qualify for the War Veterans Allowance
(WVA) from Veterans Affairs Canada and its related services and benefits.
To qualify, you must:
have served with one of the Allied forces during the Second World War or the Korean War; and
have lived in Canada for at least 10 years or lived in Canada prior to enlisting.
Benefits for Polish Veterans and Victims of Opression
It is now possible for Polish war veterans and victims of oppression living outside of Poland to apply for benefits from the Government of Poland. To learn more about who qualifies for benefits and how to apply, click the button below. You will be taken to the website of the Polish Veterans and Victims of Opression Office, available in English or in Polish.
Elder Abuse Hotline:
The Ligne Aide Abus Aînés is a provincial helpline and referral service for those seeking support and information in cases of elder abuse.